I’ve been thinking a lot about how much name-calling has become a norm in our society. In this article, I’m going to share my thoughts on this and invite us all to commit to stop name-calling. Here is why…
Besides the fact this was something we were taught not to do when we were 3 years old…name-calling is an attack on the person themselves. And that’s just something that I don’t endorse. I seek to never attack someone personally.
If you have an issue with someone, do the work mentally to formulate words and thoughts in order to state why you disagree with them.
Name-calling is lazy.
And it destroys our humanity from the inside out.
Name-calling has 100% more to do with you than it has to do with the person you are calling a name.
It is about your chosen posture of heart towards someone. You can 100% disagree with someone WITHOUT calling them a name.
I’m simply asking us all to be better.
My guess is, if you are reading this, you value love.
Does calling someone a name communicate love towards that person? In any way?
I’m committing myself and inviting us all to grow. the. heck. up.
Act like an adult.
Love people.
Agree and disagree.
Interact Lovingly.
Have you ever been influenced by someone who was calling you names or saying hate-filled things to you?
Me. Neither.
Let’s elevate the conversation.