Have you ever stopped to think about how often you justify your holding back from going after that which you truly long for?

We’ve all got ‘em – great excuses to justify holding out on our dreams (and desired impact on the lives of others).

The question is this: How long will you pursue justification? How long will you keep blaming your past? Others? Circumstances? Fear? Etc.

Justification is most often a self-centered focus in an effort to protect oneself.

Tough to change the world from such a position.


I was talking with a client the other day. He is in a place where he feels “stuck” – unsure of what steps to take next in life.

And beyond that, he is seeings some potential risks to take but is fearful to step into them.

Have you ever been there?

You know what things you “don’t” want to be doing but aren’t sure what you “do” want to be doing?

And so risk seems a bit arbitrary.

And it occurs to you that in the midst of it all, putting in the energy to get a clear vision will take some serious mental labor.

Yet, you see that without a clarity of vision, there is no context for taking risks.

And so if you don’t put in the mental labor to get clear on your vision, you necessarily won’t know what step to take next. You will feel “stuck.”

How willing are you?


Great people use their voice to call out the voices of others.

They do not sit around hoping to hit the destiny lottery, simply hope to get rich or famous, nor think only of themselves.

Because they know those things are in the end, empty.

Great people break down every obstacle necessary to help you find your voice and live your destiny.

Have you paused today to consider whose voice you could call out today?


How do we stay focused on making a difference and living out our passions and calling?

Even when our tendency may be to shy away, pretend we are invincible, let ourselves off the hook, lack curiosity, desire comfort over hard work, blame others instead of accepting responsibility, etc.

How do we fight living in a fantasy world in which the choices we are making today don’t actually add up to the difference we long to see in the world?

We actually decide to actively give a dang about others.

Remember that to “decide” literally means “cut away from the familiar.”

Stop being familiar and surprise us.


I was talking with a friend a couple of weeks ago about what to focus on in life that will bring about the result of us being excited about getting out of bed each morning and then throughout our days.

As we were chatting, I shared with him that it seemed like his focus was consistently on what he can get out of life – i.e. what is in it for him. I asked him what might shift for him if he began to focus on what he wanted to give to the world.

And often, if we give that which we long to get, we experience great joy.

If passion is what we long for, why not get out and give it away? And see if we then find it.

For what a man sows, he reaps.

If you are reaping confusion, perhaps look where you are sowing lack of clarity.