My complaints are interpretations of facts, not facts themselves.

When I complain, I often feel justified in my complaining because I think my complaint itself is the facts (not simply an interpretation).

But if I am only going after feeling justified, where does that get me? Typically this just gets me the result I already have rather than something new.

Newness comes from accepting my complaint as my experience of reality and then creating a new way of interpreting the facts.


Productivity is a mindset.

It says that I will do whatever it takes to put myself in a position to add to the conversation.

Even when I don’t have anything to add yet, because I have not yet put in the work.

Life is an invitation to work diligently to add value to the lives of others.

Sometimes that is sowing seeds, other times, it’s harvesting.

Many of us fail to choose the discipline of productivity in the sowing, and are frustrated when the harvest is sparse.



Have you ever sat back and thought about the experience that worry creates in you and those around you?

And challenged yourself to really describe what it is that happens in you when you worry?

A few things have happened in my life recently that typically would cause me to worry.

But then I thought about it and realized (along with the help of friends) that I am not confined to my worry.

I am not a slave to thinking about the limitations presented.

I can choose the opposite of worry, if I am willing.

So I looked up the antonyms of worry.





Yes, I could choose those.

And reap the benefits and experience they create in myself and others.