Why We Avoid Getting Clear on Our Goals/Vision

In my experience, so many people seem to conveniently avoid answering the following question in a clear and fully intentional way (being honest with themselves about the dreams within):

What is something you want in your life that you don’t currently have?

And I sat and I wondered why this is the case. What is it about this question that people fear?

Here is my best shot so far:

I think people avoid it because once we take ownership of the dreams within us and develop the dreams into a vision and goals - we then expose that there is a gap between here and there. And that gap is full of risks that would be required in order to close the gap.

And, assuming we aren’t willing to take those risks, having a clear vision with clear risks exposes our cowardice and unwillingness to go for it.

And we simply don’t want to look at the areas we are being cowards in our lives.

And so we numb out by not getting clear on our vision and instead fill our world with every distraction imaginable.

The crazy thing is this - even though we aren’t willing to look at the cowardice - we still have this sense…this knowing that it is there.

Will we ever take ownership of it? And by doing so, lessen its power over us and begin to really dream again?