We are always setting the world up in a particular way.
And often we are disconnected from just how we are setting the world up.
For example, if I consistently avoid conflicts, I am setting up the world in a way that conflict is scary. And I am setting up the world in a way that deep relationships aren’t meaningful to me (since deep relationships are forged through conflict). I’m setting things up and communicating to others that they aren’t worth me getting out of my comfort zone to love them and work through issues. Etc.
And along with that, we are setting the world up to relate to ourselves in a certain way. In the example about conflict, if I avoid it, I’m setting up things in such a way that I am weak, cannot hold my own, allowing my fear to guide me rather than my love.
We are always setting the world up in a certain way. And that system is creating results.
If I don’t like the results, I’ve got to make some shifts in the system.